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Before the run-up to your wedding day actually starts, it might be hardly possible to tell which type of bride personality you refer to. But as soon as you hear that special question and say ‘yes’, your daily routine turns into a pre-wedding routine. And that’s when your bride personality begins to appear. There is […]

What’s Your Bride Personality & Why It Matters?

Ask the Expert, Helpful Tips

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Your wedding day has arrived and you can’t believe the day is finally here. The year of planning, late night Pinterest pinning and endless DIYing are done. You are finally going to be a married couple! While your wedding day is all you have imagined to this point, the day flies by (almost too quickly). […]

Three things you MUST make time for on your wedding day

Ask the Expert, Helpful Tips, Wedding

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Congratulations! You’ve found her, your sweetheart you want to share your life with and the proposal planning has begun. We are so excited for you! As expert Proposal Planners we work with men from the very beginning to offer advice in all aspects of the Proposal which often includes the ring shopping and diamond advice. […]

Five SECRET ways to find out her ring size

Ask the Expert, Beth, Helpful Tips, Proposal, Stephanie

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